Archive for Prosiding

Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (analysis of factors affecting profit persistency)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Determinants of Accountability for The Management)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (pengaruh selisih kurs dan perputaran persediaan)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (analysis of the effect of good corporate governance)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Pengaruh struktur modal, profitabilitas)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Analisis implementasi budaya organisasi)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Analisis Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas laporan keuangan koperasi di indonesia)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Factors affecting the Quality of Financial Statement)

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Protected: Turnitin – Hari Setiyawati (Accountability of Fund)

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